Blog Archive

Monday, February 19, 2024


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[Background Right Side]

THE JUDGEMENT OF PARIS. A Greek myth that goes something like this:

The goddess of Discord (ERIS) is not invited to a wedding. In revenge she causes a golden apple to be introduced to the wedding feast. The apple is inscribed "To the Fairest". Three goddesses (APHRODITE, ATHENA and HERA) agree to allow PARIS to choose which of them is the fairest. Aphrodite is the winner but only after bribing PARIS with the temptation of HELEN, wife of Menelaus. This in turn leads to the Trojan War. 

Anyway, this is a beautiful antique set of the main characters in this story with a bi-fold background to pose the dolls in front of.


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GREETING CARD BARBIE. As greeting card paper dolls go this Barbie is very nice with just a hint of holiday cheer.